Cape Town Pride this week held it’s annual Parade through the city. The festivities included the Pink Ball, the Cheese and Wine Festival for the Pride Shelter and climaxed with the parade into Cape Town’s Stadium.

AV Direct was largely involved, supplying Staging, dance floor, Sound and Lighting for the Pink Ball, which was held in the one of the Boardroom suites inside the stadium. The show hosted talents of Coco Hart and Jesse Jester, who performed a burlesque striptease, while singer’s Gino Fabbri and Lola Lou kept the party on its toes…

There were some breathtaking moments as Melanie Nathan gave the most passionate speech about non-discrimination, diversity and freedom of choice in Africa. Elsabie Zietsman performed some of her beautiful classics during the evening.

Below are a few pictures from the Pink Ball Setup:

Pink Bal

Pink Ball

 Sound and Lighting for the Pink Ball

Pink Ball dance

Melanie Nathan

Pink Ball